Good news - senior quotes are BACK!
In order to get yours submitted, click the button below, then print the document, fill it out, and follow the instructions for turning it in.
(Or, if you don't have a printer, come by the yearbook room, G212, and we'll get it sorted out)
To submit your senior portrait, click "Yearbook Tools", then follow the prompt.
The prices for ads are:
Full Page: $250
Half Page: $150
Quarter Page: $100
To get started, click the above "Yearbook Tools" button, and follow the prompts.
If you need any help, email us or stop by the yearbook room.
This year, all creation options are the same price, meaning a custom ad would cost as much as a template one.
This year, we also have the option for you to create your own online.
Full page: $250
Half page: $150
Quarter page: $100
To get started, visit the Home page on a tablet or PC, then click "Yearbook Tools" and follow the prompts.
If you need help, email us or stop by the yearbook room.
Senior Ads AND Portraits are due on November 17!
Yearbooks will be distributed on Senior Fun Day in May of 2017.
Selfies and other low-quality photos will not be used as your senior portrait.
If you need a photographer, the yearbook team wold be happy to take your portrait in our studio,
or we can point you toward another photographer. Whatever the case, just be sure to get them in by November 17!
The prices for ads are:
Full Page: $250
Half Page: $150
Quarter Page: $100
To buy, or design, your ad, you should:
You can purchase a yearbook for $80.
To buy, or design, your ad, you should:
To upload your portrait, or any other photo for the yearbook: